Artwizz Neoprene Sleeve Pro for Macbook Air 15 midnight

95,00 KM

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SKU: 7979-3782 Kategorije: ,

Artwizz Neoprene Sleeve Pro for Macbook Air 15”, midnight

Neoprene bag with zipper and extra outside compartment


• Protection against signs of wear and scratches

• Faux fur inside

• Zipper on the main compartment with padded protective edge

• More storage space for accessories thanks to an additional compartment on the outside

Our Artwizz Neoprene Sleeve Pro is the smart further development of our all-round protection classic for your notebook, the Artwizz Neoprene Sleeve. You can still count on the slim, precisely fitting design and the proven protective properties thanks to the neoprene surface and the faux fur inside. In addition, a new compartment on the outside of the MacBook Sleeve now also offers you space for technical accessories and everyday items.

Nikad izdržljiviji, ili baršunasto mekši
Vanjski dio Neoprene Sleeve Pro izrađen je od robusnog, elastičnog i otpornog neoprena, što znači da će ova torbica ublažiti vaš MacBook bolje nego ikad prije. Čak i ako kiša poprska kućište, vaš MacBook je savršeno siguran u navlaci zahvaljujući vodoodbojnim svojstvima otpornog neoprena. Prianjanje neoprena također znači da je ovo MacBook navlaka koja vam nikada neće iskliznuti iz ruku i koju je užitak nositi.

Unutrašnjost Neoprene Sleeve Pro ima visokokvalitetnu, ekstra meku podstavu od flisa. Ovo nježno štiti vaš MacBook i štiti ga od ogrebotina i habanja.

Space for your accessories

Everything you need to get the most out of your MacBook can be stored in the Neoprene Sleeve Pro’s exterior pocket. Whether you’re in the office, traveling or studying, you’ll have all of your essential accessories right at your fingertips. You can also keep your wallet or keychain in the pocket without running the risk of keys or coins scratching your MacBook’s elegant body. Whatever you decide to stow in the outside pocket of the MacBook case, it’s always zippered away and can’t slip out.


Artwizz Neoprene Sleeve Pro for Macbook Air 15 midnight

95,00 KM

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